Game Review Methodology

Game Review Methodology

Many of the posts I do will be reviews, specifically of games. With the more reviews I do, the stronger my methodology is when doing these reviews. I will say that games can be very subjective, and something I find as a great game you may not. I hope, by giving you the insight into my methods, you can better assess the game yourself. You will most commonly see this system used on board game reviews, as with video games and mobile games I don’t follow as strict of a protocol.

Aesthetics: the game art, the quality of the pieces and board, how fitting the art is with the overall game story and feeling

Mechanics: how the game plays, how complex the rules and how that complexity effects gameplay, how quickly can one understand gameplay structure

Replayability: can the game be played numerous times with a single set of rules, is it able to be played with varying sized groups, is replayability dependent on expansions or is the solo game enough, (in video games) is the world worth exploring/ is there more to explore, is the story worth replaying

Cost: is the monetary price of the game fitting of the value

Overall: my overall take on the worth of the game, based on the above metrics and my own enjoyment of playing

Are you interested in having me review your game? Head over to my Work With Me page to learn how to do that.